Quick Hits:
- Pray for our church family, our staff, our President and local leadership.
- EVERYONE should stay away from groups. If you’re at high risk, call us to get what you need.
- You should receive your Worship Guide for Sunday in your email today.
- We will be live streaming on Facebook and YouTube Sunday at 10:45am (usual worship schedule)
- Everyone should SUBSCRIBE to the FRBC YouTUBE Channel and share it for others to subscribe.
- We are working on something very special for EASTER SUNDAY! Our theme this year is RAISED!
I hope you are staying away from large crowds and doing your part to help knock the quick spread of this virus down. More than that, I hope you are praying for our country and world during these difficult days.
In John 17 the scripture tells us that Jesus said, “I have glorified You on the earth” and “I have finished the work which You have given Me to do.” Later, on the cross, John 19:30 it says, “When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.”
Because He finished strong, you and I can be assured of our salvation.
Let’s depend on Him for our strength and peace today.