“In a few hours, everything can change.” Sometimes it doesn’t even take that long lately. I dated these thoughts because by the time you get them this weekend, everything may have changed. Here we are trying to make the best of these very difficult times. Remember, our confidence is not in our health, our financial status, our President, or our Country — OUR CONFIDENCE IS IN THE LORD!

Now, what’s the status of our church? As of now, we have suspended services to honor what our President and health officials have asked us to do. This is not a case where they have told us you CANNOT worship. No, this is a case where we have been asked to support our society by helping not SPREAD a deadly virus through large gatherings. Don’t get that confused and try to make a spiritual statement one way or another. Let’s be good citizens and pray for our neighbors and leadership. Trust me in this, if the time comes to take a stand against a directive to stop worshipping on a spiritual basis, I will lead the charge in resisting. But for now, let’s do our part.

Until then, we are working to provide services for you on DVD, online, and any other way we can create. We will also print these bulletins for you and get them to you by mail, allow you to pick them up at the church, or bring them to you if needed. We aim to serve you during this time. And, as soon as we are able, we will begin meeting again.

Now, please use the prayer guide to the right to guide you in praying during these days. Please call the church office or my cell phone if you have need of anything. I’ve had several people ask to help deliver food, water, medicine, or any other necessities during this time. If you will reach out, we will take care of you.

Please join me in praying for our services for Holy Week & EASTER. We are planning for this to be a wonderful time of celebration and it may prove to be a time of revival as God opens the door for His people to come back together in worship for Easter Sunday. Pray for someone you can invite and pray that — in all things and in all situations and in all circumstances — we will bring glory to God!