Starting July 12, we are inviting ladies and their friends from anywhere around the world to join us for an online ZOOM Bible study called “It’s OK NOT to be OK.” The book by that title was written by Sheila Walsh, and you can pick it up at your local bookstore or online in any format you choose (Kindle, Nook, etc).

This Bible study is not a page-by-page, chapter-by-chapter study, so go ahead and get the book and read it. Then, Shannon, Kim, Robin, Ashley, and Deena will be sharing their story of how God has worked in their life in situations and circumstances related to the book. They will be inviting you to share, too, and together, we will all experience the power and freedom of God’s Grace in our weak areas.

Register so that you can receive the LINK to the ZOOM room. We will do this to protect everyone’s privacy and security during the study. Go ahead and join us!