COVID-19 Update

FRBC 3/13/2020 Update Regarding COVID-19 Coronavirus All Services and Weekend activities will proceed as usual at FRBC.  This includes the Big Trees Farm retreat on Saturday, Sunday School small groups, morning worship, and ESL on Sunday.  Because we care...

Consecrated Living Series

Pastor Andy’s current series focuses on the Sermon on the Mount. In this greatest sermon ever preached, Jesus lays out the attitudes, actions, and lifestyle for consecrated living. Jesus’ teaching shows how a person who is in right relationship with God will...
Consecration 2020

Consecration 2020

2020 is the Year of Consecration at FRBC Joshua told the people, “Consecrate yourselves, because the Lord will do wonders among you tomorrow.” – Joshua 3:5 Each year at FRBC Pastor Andy shares with us the theme of the year that God has laid on his heart. For...
Fall Festival 2019

Fall Festival 2019

Look for these signs in your neighborhood and come out for the fun. October 31, 2019 7pm-9pm We are “bringing the fun to your street” this year on October 31, 2019. We will be in 4 different communities sharing candy, games, popcorn and cotton candy with...

four small words

Our new series, “four small words,” is designed to encourage everyone to keep digging into the Bible. This series will connect the main theme of the Bible, which is Jesus coming to redeem us, by looking at four simple words that will help us remember the...