As of September 20, 2020, we are fully open at FRBC. We are still practicing safe procedures but have our full schedule in place. Please help us when you arrive so that EVERYONE will be comfortable in the worship setting at FRBC.
Safety Guidelines
- If you are sick or have or have had a fever recently, please do not attend.
- If you have had contact with someone who has tested positive or who is waiting for test results, please do not attend.
- If you are at high-risk or concerned, please take every precaution while here.
- Enter the building strategically so that you can keep a safe distance from others.
- Wear a mask: when entering and exiting the building & when you moving around
- Please practice 6-foot “social distancing” while here.
- Please enter and take your seat and not mingle.
- When service is over, remain seated. We will exit strategically.
- Please do not mingle in the parking lot.
Through all of this and into the future, we will continue to LIVE-STREAM our services and offer DVD’s for anyone who would like one. For those of you who use the internet, please Like, Follow, get notices, and SHARE our services and posts with your friends on Facebook. Go to YOUTUBE and subscribe to our channel and share that with others, too.
For those of you with smart phones or tablets. Download The Church App by MinistryOne and make Franklin Road Baptist Church your home church so you can keep up with our church and notices. You can also request PRAYER, send us messages, watch services, and GIVE through this app. If you have already given online or by text, you already have a login and password.
As always, you can find our services, video updates, and Bible studies online on our Facebook Page and on our YouTube channel. Our main service is Sunday at 10:45am.