Lots of news today as we continue through these interesting days. Here are some quick hits:

COVID-19 Instructions from Governor Kemp

Webcast this morning with Governor Kemp and his office staff. Keep practicing social distancing carefully but you can still gather a small group to produce services and still have Drive-Up Church. Also, you can still move around the community just be careful and keep away from people. ** If you are sick or feeling bad, stay inside.

We will continue to LIVE STREAM on Facebook and YouTube.


Here’s a LINK to our EASTER 2020 page with information on the Palm Sunday, Holy Week and Easter Weekend. Check it out HERE

Worship Guide for this weekend now available. <HERE>

ON-LINE GIVING and TEXT-to-GIVE are now available at FRBC.

You can continue to give ON-LINE at this link: https://frbclagrange.org/give

Now, you can also TEXT-to-GIVE with your smart phone. Our dedicated and secure Text-to-GIVE number is 706-222-7506. You text a dollar amount to that number and it will guide you through set-up the first time. Then, you just text a dollar amount to that number and it will go through automatically. I’ve tried it and it works!